The Reason For The Season
I've been involved with Shared Housing for over 20 years because I really believed in what they were about - to provide and facilitate affordable housing options. Their mission has been to offer housing options and supportive services that foster independence, empowerment, and self-worth and to serve a multicultural, intergenerational population.
This organization has been able to survive on a shoestring budget since 1984, and what they have accomplished with those limited funds is humbling. There are so many non-profits that have huge budgets, but what makes a difference to us is what is accomplished with those budgets.
Payless Shoe Stores gave 50 of our kids the opportunity to pick out a pair of shoes and socks for the holidays, and they couldn't have been more excited. And it reminded us about what's really important - family, friendship, safety, and a home that we can call our own.
December 17, 2014